Commit 8cda7e4c authored by zazaname's avatar zazaname


parent 7de8a5a2
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......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ require.config({
"tableSelect": ["plugs/lay-module/tableSelect/tableSelect"],
"iconPickerFa": ["plugs/lay-module/iconPicker/iconPickerFa"],
"autocomplete": ["plugs/lay-module/autocomplete/autocomplete"],
"xm-select": ["plugs/lay-module/xm-select/xm-select"],
"vue": ["plugs/vue-2.6.10/vue.min"],
"ckeditor": ["plugs/ckeditor4/ckeditor"],
......@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ window.PATH_CONFIG = PATH_CONFIG;
// 初始化控制器对应的JS自动加载
if ("undefined" != typeof CONFIG.AUTOLOAD_JS && CONFIG.AUTOLOAD_JS) {
require([BASE_URL + CONFIG.CONTROLLER_JS_PATH+"?t="+(Date.parse(new Date()))], function (Controller) {
if (eval('Controller.' + CONFIG.ACTION)) {
eval('Controller.' + CONFIG.ACTION + '()');
......@@ -333,6 +333,26 @@ define(["jquery", "tableSelect", "ckeditor"], function ($, tableSelect, undefine
'</div>\n' +
case 'xm-select':
d.searchOp = '=';
var xm_select_html = '';
$.each(d.selectList, function (sI, sV) {
var selected = '';
if (sI === d.searchValue) {
selected = 'selected=""';
xm_select_html += '<option value="' + sI + '" ' + selected + '>' + sV + '</option>/n';
formHtml += '\t<div class="layui-form-item layui-inline">\n' +
'<label class="layui-form-label">' + d.title + '</label>\n' +
'<div class="layui-input-inline xm-select">\n' +
'<select class="layui-select" id="c-' + d.fieldAlias + '" name="' + d.fieldAlias + '" data-search-op="' + d.searchOp + '" >\n' +
'<option value="">- 全部 -</option> \n' +
xm_select_html +
'</select>\n' +
'</div>\n' +
case 'range':
d.searchOp = 'range';
formHtml += '\t<div class="layui-form-item layui-inline">\n' +
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