Commit 14b15e4a authored by zazaname's avatar zazaname


parent f52ddb4a
......@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ class Jiuzi implements ISdkFactory
$response_arr = json_decode($response,true);
if ($response_arr['statusCode'] === 200) {
// 用类标识_渠道userid 标识为融合账号
$uname = $verInfo->ver."_".$response_arr['data']['openid'];
return ['ver_user_id' => $response_arr['data']['openid'],'uname'=>$uname];
$uname = $verInfo->ver."_".$response_arr['data']['user_id'];
return ['ver_user_id' => $response_arr['data']['user_id'],'uname'=>$uname];
} else {
return [];
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